Sunday, June 17, 2012

Couples Time

I am a pastor at heart so I will post scriptures and other stuff related.  Also, I will write post about relationships as I have before about communication.  Well here I go again. 
First to the GG.  Your CD is watching your every reaction to figure out exactly what you think about the elephant in the room.  She is used to hiding this 7 layers down where no one can see her and now she is out.  Without meaning to, your facial expression or wording in a single sentence will destroy 2 days of good vibes between you.
Don't take this as me bashing on you.  I'm not.  It is what it is.  Just realize that you will probably have to supress more than you first realized.
To the CD.  Get the chip off your shoulder and BE with your GG.  Stop being a selfish prick (no pun intended) and realize they want to be a part of your lives (get it, HA).  Yes there are GGs that don't want to have anything to do with your fem side.  i'm not talking to or about them.  For those GGs who are accepting in whatever little or big way, give them props.  They are stepping out just as much as you are. 
If you want more specific advise, B and I are both more than happy to try and help. 



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