Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Mind of a Crossdresser

Here is the mind of a crossdresser.  OK actually this is just my mind on this date in time.  If you try to categorize anyone (thank you government) you will be sorely disappointed.  Actually I think we all try to categorize people just to keep them straight in our little heads, however you hinder the relationship you can have with the other person if you pigeon-hole them into a specific role.

There was a REALLY bad storm that passed through last weekend.  Our back fence was completely blown down and electric was off for 48 hours.   The house is fine, thank God.  Neighbors had a tree come up.  Others had roofs lost.  It wasn't nice in our neighborhood.  So I am rebuilding my fence.  I'm doing it myself because after paying our deductible, it wouldn't be worth making a claim with insurance.

So here is the mind of a crossdresser I was talking about.  After working in the hot sun all day, sweating my ass off, mud up to my elbows because it started to rain again, I wanted to come in, take a long hot bath and dress in a comfortable skirt and blouse.  Some lipstick and blush to complete and then just relax on the couch and watch a movie.

I can't say it's always like that.  However I found a nice pair of jean capris and "stole" B's comfy red blouse to wear for a bit before I go to work.  That's my day, or at least early afternoon.  Pray I will not kill myself doing this fence and that it is build so strong this won't happen again anytime soon.  I'm going to look for a used generator soon also. Also, don't judge people and try to put them in a category.  They may surprise you one day in ways you were not expecting.


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