Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sex Appeal

Crossdressers (OK just me.  I don't know about everyone other crossdresser in the world) want to look like a woman and be sexy.  They want to walk and talk like a woman.  They want to get their makeup right and eyebrows shaped like a woman.  They want to PASS.

I was surfing through Netflix and found the Discovery Channel's Science of Sex Appeal.  It appealed to me.  I watched through a lot of it.  Although I disagreed with some of it (regarding evolution mostly) and the fact they really said there are a lot of factors that go into sex appeal, it was a good show.

Now this is how it can relate to crossdressing.  Our desire is to look "more feminine".  This show addressed that.  It talks about he rounded chin, the raised eyebrows, the higher cheekbones, the walk.  All this goes into "feminine".  It was quick to point out that the male reviewers at one point were more attracted to a body shape (super thin waist with wide hips) that is not found in nature.  However, we will create that with a nice corset

Something B and I used to say when looking at houses was "a little paint and a porch and that would be  a nice house."  After watching (most of) that show, make-up will do wonders for you.  Check out Kevin Aucion's book Making Faces ; I learned a lot and loved everything he talked about.

Check out the Discovery Channel show.  I know you will be Very Sexy in the near future.


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